A Notion insole designed for the Top 1% of the World's Students
Watch Our Video and Unlock the Structure of Our Toolkit
Serie Centauri
You can take a closer look at academic excellence.

Where excellence becomes your standard
Feynman is much more than just a Notion template; it's your comprehensive guide to elite academic success. Meticulously designed for students who aspire to the world's top 1%, Feynman simplifies your organization, increases your productivity, and optimizes your learning.
From the detailed structure for study planning to advanced progress tracking tools, every element of Feynman is designed to boost your performance and make you an exceptional student.

Everything you need to be an exceptional student.
Organize and manage your academic projects. Include title, description, due date, progress and relevant resources.
Keep a detailed control of your pending tasks. Record the title, description, due date, priority and status of each task.
Apply the Feynman Method for effective learning. Define the concept to be learned, explain in your own words and review problem areas.
Simplify your academic processes with automations. Set up reminders, integrations and workflows to optimize your productivity.
Define and track your academic and personal goals. Set clear objectives, deadlines and action steps to keep you focused on your progress.
Keep all your notes in one place. Sort by subject or topic, and attach relevant files to make studying easier.

Feynman Serie Centauri
Notion Template for student and academic organizer
The best investment in your productivity for less than you imagine
Think about this: you buy a $3 coffee, and in just a few hours, it's gone. Now, look at it differently. If you invest $47 in a productivity template that saves you time and keeps you focused all year, you’re paying less than $0.13 a day to completely transform the way you work!
With a tool designed to optimize every minute of your day, the "cost of use" becomes almost negligible. What other small investment can have such a huge impact on your life and productivity?
Your time is worth much more. Make it count.